Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Joy unspeakable!

This is The Laurel Leaf 2.0. My original blog is no longer available to me, so I've created a new one. If you are interested in my journey through multiple myeloma, you can begin it here:

I ended blog version 1.0 on my way to Ann Arbor for a stem cell transplant. That was almost 3 and a half years ago! At the end of the entry, I asked for some specific prayers. Let me post those again with answers this time.

  • That my health would continue to be good, no illnesses
    • Nothing major. Colds, which just make me feel normal! Yay!
  • That I would bounce back quickly from the intense chemo
    • It was not a fun time but it was as expected and I did bounce back.
  • That the procedure would go smoothly
    • Everything went so smoothly. From harvesting the stem cells to the transplant, to the bottoming out of my immune system and the immune system creeping back up.
  • That I might even be able to come back to Zeeland before the 30 days
    • We went in on October 28 and I was able to come home on Novermber 16!
  • That I would quickly regain my strength once I'm home
    • I guess it depends on how you define quickly. To me it was very quick. I was back at work on February 13.
  • Strength for Jack because sometimes I think it's harder on the one caring for the sick   spouse than it is for the sick one.
    • I have the best husband in the whole world. He had to take care of most of my life for over a year, and he did it with great love. He had his moments where he wished he were done, but he carried on. Lately I realized, he showed the best example of earthly sacrificial love that you might ever see.
  • That Jack and I would keep our eyes on God throughout the process, no matter what any outcome might be.
    • Fortunately, the outcome was very good. I am now 3 and half years in complete   remission. I no longer have appointments in Ann Arbor. My regular oncologist has spread     out my appointments from every 3 months to every 4 months. I feel great and I even have     a new hairstyle - short and easy. Jack and I both agree that if we were asked if we wanted to go through this again, knowing what we have both learned, we would do it again. We've grown closer to God, closer to each other, closer to friends, closer to our church family. 

I am a very fortunate woman. Throughout these three and half years, God is still bringing joy. I've been able to share my joy story over and over again. I've met other people who have gone through hard things that have also experienced joy from God in the midst of their circumstances. Just this week, I have begun reading a book called Fight Back With Joy by Margaret Feinberg. Her story began almost identically to mine. She chose joy as her word for the year and soon after was diagnosed with breast cancer. She spoke on a radio program and said, "Some of God's brightest gifts, the ones that are the most luminescent, they're meant to be discovered in the darkness." Amen, sister.


  1. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday "we" were going through this. (The "we" is in quotation marks because you did all of the fighting; I just did lots of praying.) Sometimes it seems like eons ago. I am so very thankful that God brought us together through a love of yarn, knitting and Jesus. I am a much better person because of you, sister-friend.

    1. You, Kariann, Jody and Margie were my biggest prayer warrior friends, so you did indeed go through this with me!

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